Afghani #1



Height (cm) 






Yield (g) 



















I recieved pollen from capt he gave me afghani#1 pollen. I then hit my sfv ogk clone . Thus creating f1's this was seriously 2 years ago. I will put an exact date when i go through the records and see. I made the f1's ran those and chose a good male and female to make f2's. I didnt have to many beans to work with so i was just hoping to get lucky and i did. I then took the clone of the male i had and grew him out and made the ogk F2 and bx1 seeds. Once i harvested the f2's i ran about 150 of them to find what i was looking for to continue the line. The sfv ogk pheno closest to the mom... I had around 50 females and 20 males to choose from. After grabbing clones and running the moms to find what i was looking for. I narrowed it down to around 10-20 ladies and i believe 1-2 males.. I then vegged the clones from the perspective mother and flowered them, these f2's were pollinated by the male i chose, creating f3's. From the f1 to the f3 i spent a solid year and a half on, it also helps having a few flowering spots to work with though, not just one spot ya know. After harvesting the f3 seeds i ran again about 200 of them this time. I like to select from large lots not 20-30-even 50 seeds. I like selection. After the start of the f3's i saw a lot of uniformity in the plants once i grabbed clones from them, i flowered them thus resulting in some serious selection and culling... Some were killer but to tall and lenghty, some where not to dank, some were really dank but didnt yeild, some were just right... I ended up with a serious stud male out of about 25 different dudes. And shit i dont even know how many ladies about 50 that were what i was looking for.. After harvest on them and smoke and features and this and that i ended up with 20 ladies that i was in love with.. I worked them down to the top 3.. Which i am flowering out with chemD and master kush to get my smoke on with as its fire dank just like mommy but from seed. hahahaha i love it... So my stud male hit the ladies making me an ass load of f4's.