By the time the government crackdown on Canadian seebanks had begun and around the same time that Marc Emery was extradited to the US, Romulan had become all but extinct. However, we managed to obtain one of very last packs of Romulan seeds from Federation after they had closed their doors. Only one seed from this pack germinated, and it was a male. We used this male to pollenate both the BC Romulan clone and a selection of females from Next Generation seeds. We then inbred this line over multiple generations to reproduce this legendary strain in all it’s original glory.
In our opinion, the single most effective medicinal strain for broad-spectrum symptoms. This version of Romulan is a remake of the classic from the 1970's. The end result is a highly resinous plant with a powerful lemon-pine flavor. Our Romulan will provide hefty colas of beautifully glistening indica bud in just 8-9 weeks. Recommended for hangovers, headaches, migraines, nausea, poor appetite, insomnia, muscle pain, and chemotherapy side effects. Makes excellent medicinal concentrates.
This Romulan boasts clone-like uniformity due to the many generations of very selective inbreeding, while maintaining excellent vigour from having never been feminized.