A towering powerhouse comprised of Dutch Dragon ๏ผParadise Seeds๏ผ and DJ Short's Blueberry. The Dutch Dragon is 75% Sativa, a local strain found in Swaziland, Africa. The last work done on it by Paradise Seeds was in 2002. Just A Handful Seeds had acquired a clone of this strain from a Canadian Licensed Producer of cannabis who had chosen Paradise Seeds as their genetic stock as medical marijuana providers for Canadian patients. During this time period, the medical marijuana facilities in Canada were still new in development after acquiring their licenses. This particular facility also did THC and CBD testing, so the selected Dutch Dragon cutting was from a sample size of hundreds upon hundreds of plants of the same seed stock ๏ผdirectly from Paradise Seeds๏ผ and the Mother plant was chosen for its definable odour, vigour, and testing results. Suffice to say the selection process was incredibly scientific. As this plant is a clone only, she is the female in this hybrid. Outdoors in Canada this Dutch Dragon did finish flowering outdoors, however it did require until early October. The buds on this plant are incredibly dense and heavy, surprising for something so Sativa dominant.
And there is no need to re-hash the story of DJ Shorts Blueberry. The phenotype selected here is fast flowering, fruity, not much of a stretch and with dense, flavourful, often purple buds. It is often bushy with broad leaves, but every now and then tosses out the most beautiful and exotic phenotype you would ever see with spear like colas and just something incredibly unique about it. Due to that trait scarcity however, and it not being the most indoor friendly phenotypic expression, this trait was not selected for ๏ผbut lurks in there!๏ผ.