GrindHouse is a collection of highly esteemed Breeders with one common goal , to spread high quality genetics at a very reasonable price to tha California Medical Community . We hold tha belief that quality and affordability can go hand in hand benefiting everyone involved , from tha Breeders , to tha distributor , tha Med clubs and most of all tha patient . Every club solicited , and we have been to MANY , is scrutinized against a fist full of requirements . They must be held in high regard in tha Medical Community , providing other services to tha patient other than meds including but not limited to , Massage Therapy , Eastern Medicine(acupuncture , Herbal Medicine) Nutritional counseling , legal counseling and yoga . These are services that are important and that patients should have available to them . Just as these clubs we solicit have a common theme , serve tha patient , we hold this thought close to our hearts as well . With tha collection of Breeders we're working with now and in tha future , we have a common theme as well , serve tha patient . One way of doing that is to provide reasonably priced genetics but also to offer full customer support and service . Full communication with tha clubs we deal with but also making it clear that we're here to answer any and all questions that pertain to growing out our selections . We REQUIRE that all vendors in tha GrindHouse catalog provide support . If we can't get a vendor to answer questions 'bout their product , we just can't work with 'em , as this is a unique service that not all bean sellers at clubs offer , and one that we feel will help set us apart from tha "other guys" .We don't believe that selling super , high dollar beans (with mediocre potency) , in a cracker jack package , is really a benefit to tha community , yes you will be able to make a million dollars off cloning your favorite plant , but we're not talking about commercial growers and such , we're talking about sick people with real ailments . And alot of these folks live on fixed incomes really , where's tha compassion ?With beans from our collection , you can bet you're getting super , high quality and tested seeds . One more reason to demand that vendors go through tha GrindHouse to supply tha needs of patients at fair prices .