The california orange mom is THE legendary clone that sets the standard for all other california oranges to aspire towards. And it has done so for close to two decades. It's super sweet Tang flavour and aroma is unequaled. It's vigour is amazing and it's ease of cloning will vastly be an improvement over the blueberry pollen source on both accounts. The blueberry pollen source speaks for itself and is described below. As with the romulan mother of Romberry, this California Orange clone does very well at low (25-30 watts/foot) light levels. Both California Orange and blueberry parents are harvested between 50 and 60 days depending on taste. Most prefer the earlier end of the spectrum for the added flavour and happier high.
After a thorough testing, the Orange crush was found to be an extremely vigorous hybrid of blueberry dominance. These plants clone and reveg with ease. I hope you enjoy growing them as much as I did.
Breeding status: Uniform Hybrid
Flowering: 50 - 60 days
Height: 90-140 cm.
Yield indoors: moderate to exceptionally high
Suggested growing skill: beginner