Cronuts is the long-awaited hybrid by Alphakronik Genes that is the first entry in their Le Patisserie Series, featuring the infamous Girl Scout Cookie cutting. They decided that the Sin City Kush male would be the most potent offering to compliment the unique traits that the GSC cut is known for. By adding the SCK genetics they increased the yield, added a more unique purple colouration, and sweetened the flavour even more.
Cronuts has a unique blend of flavours that culminate in a sweet and woodsy flavor, with undertones of bread and fuel with a florally sweet finish. There are three main phenotypes found in Cronuts, each unique in its own way.
Patient testing has shown Cronuts to perform well in aiding the effects on Crohn's Disease, Joint Swelling, Gastrointestinal Pain, Occular Pressure due to Glaucoma, Headaches, and Generalized Pain.
The structure of the GSC was enhanced by the SCK's strength and rigidity, giving it not only a better overall structure, but brought the node sites closer to together, reducing a bit of the stretch that the GSC has.
Lineage: Girl Scout Cookies (Forum Cut) x Sin City Kush
Flowering time: 6-7 Weeks
Indica/Sativa %: 35/65