Oldtimers Haze



Height (cm) 






Yield (g) 



















At last, the mythical tropical Purple Haze of the 70s without being mixed and in all its magnificence is finally available for all those nostalgic lovers of the old school sativas. In this version of the Oldtimers Haze, we offer you a selection of purple and reddish phenotypes with a strong influence of the purple highland colombian sativas, within the genotypes of the original Haze population. Purple Haze is different from Green Haze because its stems and flowers ripe with impressive purple and reddish colors. Their aromas are also darker: of black liquor and wild blackberry.<br /><br />Resistance against SPIDER MITE: Medium-Low<br />Resistance against MILDEW: Medium<br />Resistance against BOTRYTIS: Very High<br />Resistance against COLD: Medium-High<br /><br />GENETICS: 100 % sativa. Hybrid of tropical sativas of the 70&rsquo;s, with a strong dominance of purple highland colombian sativa.<br />FLOWERING: 16-20 weeks. December-January.<br />STRUCTURE: Extreme tropical sativa of pale colors, but when it ripens it acquires beautiful purple tones and reddish edging under its leaves. Very thin and flexible stems that can cope with the worst downpours and blizzards.<br />YIELD / M2: Medium-Low.<br />BOUQUET: Wood, species, incense and black liquor. Ancient old school sativa aroma.<br />HIGH: Clean euphoric and creative high without tolerance limits.<br /><br />GROWING TIPS: For indoor growing, we mostly recommend her for extreme sativa lovers or for breeding projects or seed production.<br /><br />For outdoor growing, it requires a tropical or subtropical climate in order to reach its full potential. However, it can be easily bred within latitudes of 20&ordm;-35&ordm;, where we recommend a warm and coastal climate. The use of a greenhouse is very helpful for the ripening in non-tropical latitudes.<br /><br />It requires medium-low levels of nutrients, especially of Nitrogen. For outdoor growing, it&rsquo;s best to mix a good base of organic soil rich in guano and humus, and then plant the seeds in a sunny place and leave them to grow at their own rhythm almost without using fertilizers or stimulators.